All Care offers a wide range of programs to advance knowledge, competency, and clinical practice.
All Care offers a wide range of educational programs led by experienced hospice professionals to educate clinicians and caregivers on the benefits (and challenges) of hospice. We’re here to help you have rewarding conversations with your patients or loved ones about their care goals, preferences, and wishes near the end of life.
Many programs offer contact hours for eligible clinicians, ask when scheduling!
If you would like more information or wish to schedule a program at your facility, contact us at 781-244-1100 or at hospiceandpalliative@allcare.org.
Continuing Education (CEU) Programs
Dementia: Communication
& Habilitation
Define dementia and know what signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for. Covers changes in communication with a dementia patient and how to develop meaningful interactions.
Disease Trajectories
Identification of patients with end-stage diseases who may benefit from hospice. Includes what to expect as the disease progresses.
End Stage Dementia
How to best support patients with end-stage dementia. Includes developing individualized, patient-centered care plans and how to connect with patients through their various senses.
Healthy Balance
Program designed to help the clinician or caregiver with the types of stress they may encounter when supporting patients nearing the end of life. Includes understanding the continuum of emotional involvement, defining individual stressors, and methods to manage that stress.
Hospice 101
Broad overview of All Care’s hospice and palliative care philosophy. Includes who are the members of the hospice team and their roles, the levels of hospice care available to patients, as well as Medicare eligibility.
Hospice 101: CHF
Similar to the Hospice 101 program but with a focus specifically for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF).
Hospice for End-Stage CHF
Program designed to help clinicians identify CHF criteria for Medicare eligibility. Includes what to be looking for in a palliative care patient’s heart failure data to transition them to hospice when the time is right. Also covers hospice heart failure education and the benefit to the patient and caregivers.
Hospice Eligibility: GIP
Program designed to further explain the General Inpatient (GIP) benefit and when it’s appropriate to access. Includes non-cancer appropriate diagnoses and what a prognosis of six-months or less looks like.
Covers the advantages of methadone over other opioids, the difference between hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs, and neuropathic pain as monotherapy.
Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviors
Program designed to help the clinician and caregiver identify when a specific behavior needs to be managed, the potential causes of the behavior and best practices on managing it respectively.
Educational Programs (non-CEU)
Grief & Dementia
How to deal with losses as a result of a loved one having dementia. Support and suggestions on learning to grieve the loss while your loved one is still alive.
Grief: 1 Year Later
Helping the griever as they enter the second year of grief after losing a loved one. Focuses on celebrating how far one has come in their grief and how to embrace and manage the coming year.
Having a Meaningful Visit
Practical tips on how to have a meaningful visit with someone who has memory impairment.
Hospice: Dispelling Myths
Defines All Care’s hospice philosophy, describes what to expect with hospice care, dispels common hospice myths, and reviews hospice benefits.
Intro: Bridge to Hospice
Describes All Care’s Bridge to Hospice methodology, Medicare eligibility, clinical readiness for hospice, as well as the benefits to patients and families. Provides ways to introduce the Bridge to Hospice with patients and families.
Reviews the Massachusetts Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment form (MOLST) and compares it with a Health Care Proxy. Covers when to use MOLST, how to complete the MOLST form, and acute care hospitalization protocol when MOLST is active.
Normal Age-Related
Memory Loss
Helps participants identify the difference between normal age-related memory loss and progressive dementia.
Understanding Grief & Loss
Grief 101 program that covers the basics of grief after a loss.
Working With Families
& Caregivers
How to have end-of-life conversations with patients and families. Strategies to handle reluctance around discussing hospice and death, hospice eligibility, and common hospice myths.
Looking for more information?
Interested in CEU credits?
Many of our educational programs have been designed to offer continuing education units (CEU). Set one up today!.