Thirty-seven women, including a high school teenager were recognized for their business acumen, savvy and success during the 13th Annual North of Boston Business Women of the Year Lydia E. Pinkham Awards. Our very own Jo-Mary Koopman, Senior VP, was recognized and nominated for the Large Business category. Congratulations Jo-Mary!!
The North of Boston Businesswoman of the Year awards are presented in honor of Lydia Pinkham who was born in Lynn in 1819. Raised in the city, she went on to become a school teacher. She began a business in 1875 selling her homemade herbal remedy called Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. The business became a phenomenal success.
The awards in her name recognize the achievements of one woman in each of five categories: small business, intermediate business, medium business, large business and non-profit/civic. Twenty women were selected as finalists from all nominations received based on the following criteria: Integrity, Character, Professional Accomplishments, and Community Service.