All Care and The Atrium at Drum Hill
invite you to attend a special community program.
Monday, April 8, 2013
5:30 – 6:30 pm
The Atrium at Drum Hill
2 Technology Drive
No. Chelmsford, MA
The Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
What you will learn…
• A greater understanding of the stages of the disease as it progresses
• Changes in communication
• Coping tools and techniques
Wayne S. Saltsman, MD
All Care Medical Director and Section Chief of Geriatrics
& Transitional Care, Lahey Clinic Burlington
A specialist in the area of geriatrics and cognitive
Jerry Schwartz, PhD, LMHC
All Care Clinical Psychotherapist
Will speak one-on-one with families/caregivers about
goals of care and additional services available.
This lecture is open to companions, families, caregivers, professionals & anyone with interest. Light refreshments served.
Pre-registration required by calling:
The Atrium at Drum Hill at 978.674.5295.